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I dedicate this book to my first born son,
Brady Lee Kansas Leonard.  You have
changed my life Brady, both while you
were on this earth and since you've
gone home to Jesus.  I know without a
doubt that I will see you again one day
when my work on earth is through.
I also dedicate this book to you, the
reader. I hope that in some way this
book will help you as you cope with
your loss.  I pray that by reading my
story you will become closer to Jesus
and accept Him as your personal savior.
I pray that by sharing my story you
can be encouraged to come through
your tragedy and be a light for others,
as I hope I have been for you.


God Bless You


Press Release as written by publisher

Is the Key to survival profound faith?

Tammy Leonard's There is a God!! is a book no parent should ever have to write...and yet
every parent must read.

This profoundly moving and inspirational book reminds us all that our lives can change in a split second--the time it takes to lose what we hold most dear--and that we can survive anything...if we have faith.

From the day that Tammy's little boy, Brady, slipped out of the house and died in the family's swimming pool, life was never the same.  Rather than enter into that debilitating and unproductive world of blame and self-reproach, this grief-stricken mother used her tragedy as a guide to her life's journey, one in which she searched for the true and profound source of her faith.  And find it she did.  In There is a God!!, the author shares with us the spectrum of thoughts and emotions that she felt--that she suffered--throughout the year following Brady's death.

In this honest and compelling memoir, Ms. Leonard talks about her thoughts of suicide, her doubts about the existence of God, and reveals dramatic insights into her own spirituality that finally led her to a bond with Jesus Christ.

Readers will find more than spiritual guidance in There is a God!!; they will find comfort and the wisdom that comes from one woman's spiral downward into a chasm, and her enlightening climb back to the summit.




To purchase a copy of


There is a God!!

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